Happy Thanksgiving!

Welcome to my very first blog post!
I really should have started my blog a lot sooner, but” better late than never”. This past year has been a whirlwind of second shooting with my amazing friend Barrie, of Barrie Anne Photography. She has been a pivotal mentor in pushing me towards finding my niche in life and the highs and lows of what it takes to be a successful photographer. I have been updating my website for the past two weeks researching and coming to the conclusion that Theme-forest, Dreamhost, and Word Press combined could give me the best results marketing my work. I’m still tweaking, finessing, and updating all my amazing images from this past summer of spectacular weddings and cannot wait to share.
Today is Thanksgiving and I want to give a shout out to all the other photographers that have invited me as a second shooter, who I interned with, or assisted. It gives me joy to hear peers encouraging my work and wedding couples truly telling me that I touched them in some way and captured the emotions they felt on their once in a life time day.
This photograph is emotional for me because it was one of the first photographs I took while trying out wedding photography as a second shooter. It takes me back to that very day, wondering what the Bride was thinking minutes before she was about to see her handsome groom. These timeless, beautiful moments create an outlet for me to express myself and brings identity to who I am. I really have found my calling and can’t imagine life without showing others what I see behind the periscope of life.
What are you thankful for?