Photography Meets Philanthropy. Lauren Ryan Photography Donated 5% to Baby Shayne Taylor. I scheduled eight family sessions this past month! I promised from those sessions, 5% of the profits would go straight back into our West Seattle Mom Community, to a mother in need.
The donation is being sent to baby Shayne Taylor and his parents. He was born on June 25th @ 10:09 am He was 8lbs 2oz.
In his second day of life baby Shayne developed seizures and has been in the NICU since then. He is now 16 days old and the parents are looking at another 2-3 weeks of hospitalization.
If you would like to make a donation today, please send it to Ildiko-Papp.
Her Venmo link is https://venmo.com/Ildiko-P
(She is a West Seattle Mom, and other Moms in the area plan to drop off donations and funds to baby Shayne’s parents)
Living in Seattle we struggle with the high price of living and unpredictable situations. The distance from their RV to the hospital is a financial burden and consuming much of their time. The family is finding it difficult to stay well fed and are depleting their food stamps rapidly. Their goal is to make it through the first month with baby boy Shayne.
On a personal note. I am a new mother to my 8th month old son Ev. I feel for this mother. We received a scary diagnosis that Ev would quite possibly be born blind or deaf and a shunt would need to be placed surgically in his head. We prayed and trusted that the Lord had a plan for us. We feared for the worse. Overall, everything was okay, but those same feelings reside in me today for any baby struggling. As well as the financial toll and burden placed on families with a sick child.
Let’s say a prayer for baby Shayne Taylor. Let’s hope that he heals and the parents can worry a little less with some assistance from the community. along with the donation from Lauren Ryan Photography and all of her customers who have provided it today.
Note. Lauren Ryan Photography is continuing the 5% project of giving back to the “Local Mom Community”. Book a family, maternity, and milestone sessions today and the 5% goes to another mother in need. Book Now: https://calendly.com/laurenrya
(Sessions take place only within Seattle, Lincoln Park, or the South Seattle Community College Gardens. If you wish to have a session outside of Seattle, please inquire pricing through email at laurenryanphoto@gmail.com)