Sarah Harmon: Poppy Medical Bracelets: KickStarter

Here are some examples of headshot portraits that I took a few months ago. This amazing lady has a start up company called, Poppy, which creates stylish medical ID bracelets. You can support her Poppy business through clicking this link: Let’s support her business and help her reach her goals, through kickstarter. Her business can then help so many people walking this world with the need for stylish, up-to-date medical ID bracelets in emergency situations.
I don’t wear a medical ID bracelet, but I do suffer from Ulcerative Colitis, which makes me think I should purchase a Poppy bracelet! It surprises many of my friends that I have this pre-existing condition. For those who immediately google what is “Ulcerative Colitis”, I can tell you it is an autoimmune disease similar to Crohn’s disease. I was diagnosed at the age of two, which isn’t common. Most patients are diagnose between 18 – 60. After years of constant close supervision from gastroenterologists, I can say this was not a enjoyable pre-existing condition to have since the age of two. I am so thankful though for medical advances in medications and research. Because It has help keep me in stable and normal health. As an adult, I have come to terms and comprehend my disease. My doctors keep a close eye on my health still. I am not going to lie I do have my days, but I push through those days. I’m proud to say I live a normal, happy and healthy life with my husband in Seattle, with no issues.
I can definitely understand how many men and woman need to have ways to cope with their everyday health conditions especially if they don’t have a voice during an unfortunate medical emergency. I see how important emergency preparations are. Poppy bracelets gives you a sense of confidence and comfortability, when wearing. I am so proud of Sarah and I look forward in seeing how far she goes with this miraculous and important medical ID bracelet.
Check out her Facebook page for Poppy medical ID bracelets and support the kickstarter fund! FUND THIS!: Kick Starter: